
Helpful Tips for Managing Dental Anxiety in Kids

Posted by Smile Design Implant Centers Mar 27, 2023

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Many parents worry about how their kids will react to going to the dentist. Fear of the dentist is common, and many children experience some anxiety about the dentist. Some children are not as uneasy about the dentist, but they still might have concerns about going to the dentist. If your child has dental fear, this blog can help.

Start early for a positive dental experience

When a child is young, they may be less anxious about dental treatments. However, they won't develop their oral hygiene habits until they're older. It's vital to encourage your child to practice great oral hygiene habits while they're young so that they have a healthy smile for years to come. You should start regular dental care when your child is a baby by teaching them how to brush and floss effectively. You should also take them to the dentist before they have their teeth so that they aren't afraid of getting their teeth cleaned in the future. Children often begin showing signs of anxiety around age three, including crying, refusing to cooperate in the exam chair, and more. So, it is always a good idea to take them to the dentist at least by the age of one. Schedule regular cleanings and exams while kids are very young to help them become accustomed to visiting the dentist and associate checkups with a positive experience. Seeing the same friendly faces at every visit will help make going to the dentist a fun thing to look forward to rather than something to fear.

Take your child's favorite toy to the appointment

Taking a favorite stuffed toy can help younger kids feel more comfortable at the dentist's office. This can also help distract them during the appointment so the dentist can get to work and do their job faster. If you're taking a child to their first visit to a dentist, consider bringing their favorite comfort item with them. This will help them feel more at ease during the actual visit and give them something to look forward to as a reward for doing well during their appointment.

Lead by example

When it comes to getting kids to the dentist on time, it's important to lead by example. Don't put off your own appointments, especially if you have an appointment at the same time as your kids'. If you make a habit of visiting the dentist regularly, they'll follow suit as they grow up. When they're younger, though, they may not understand the importance of good oral health and how it relates to their overall health. Sit down with your kids and explain to them why they need to visit the dentist regularly and why they should do their best to keep their teeth healthy between visits. You may also want to read books about going to the dentist and schedule regular cleanings and checkups too.

Read stories or play games about dentist visits

Children can learn a lot from listening to their parents and guardians talk about their dentist appointments. Doing this shows them that going to the dentist can be a positive experience. Read stories that include positive interactions with the dentist at bedtime to help children relax and get comfortable around the idea of seeing the dentist.

Reading books or playing games that involve dentists can also show children that visiting the dentist doesn't have to be scary. The Tooth Fairy is a great example of a children's book that can include a dentist visit. You can also play pretend games with your children to teach them that visiting the dentist is nothing to worry about. This can help children become more comfortable with the process of having their teeth cleaned and examined.

Teach kids the importance of great oral health

Children learn from an early age how to care for their teeth and to keep their mouths healthy – just like they learn to wash their hands to prevent the spread of germs. This is why it is so important for parents to lead by example and teach their kids about the importance of proper oral hygiene and why they need regular cleanings and exams from a dentist. There are many things that parents can do at home to help teach their children about the importance of good oral health. For example, parents should brush their own teeth twice a day, floss once a day, and visit their dentists at least twice a year for examinations and cleanings. These habits will reinforce good behaviors in children and show them just how important it is to properly care for their teeth at all ages.

To learn more, visit Smile Design Implant Centers in South Reno, Nevada. We are located at 748 South Meadows Parkway #A8, Reno, NV 89521. 

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