Different Types of Dental Designs for a Dazzling Smile

December 25, 2022

Have you ever wondered what different types of Reno dental designs can do to transform your smile? Maybe you’ve heard that porcelain veneers are a popular way to enhance the appearance of your teeth or that clear aligners can help you straighten them. But do you know the difference between these and other types of dental designs?  

Dental designers use various materials and techniques to create dazzling smiles that are unique and individual to you. You can use dental designs to create a wide variety of looks, from subtle curves to bold lines, making our smiles more appealing to onlookers. We all want our smiles to be bright and beautiful, positively impacting our self-confidence.  

No matter what design you choose, your dentist is committed to providing you with the best care available so that you can achieve the smile of your dreams. But, there are many different ways to create a beautiful smile. This article will discuss each one so you can get an idea of which one to choose.

Common Types of Dental Designs  

Porcelain Veneers

Made from durable porcelain that enhances the appearance of your teeth, this treatment is highly successful at changing the appearance and bite of teeth. It is most popular for changing the appearance of discolored, worn, or chipped teeth. We typically use this technique to correct problems with the size, shape, bite, spacing, or crowding.  

As you age, your teeth become less strong, making them more vulnerable to breaking or chipping. Using veneers, we can make them appear healthier and stronger than they might otherwise appear. We will create a custom veneer that is precisely matched to your unique contours and then apply this material using special instruments.  

Once the veneer is applied, your teeth appear white and bright, and you will notice a significant difference in the way others perceive your smile. Porcelain veneers are widely accepted as one of the most effective ways to change the appearance of a crooked or misshapen smile.

Dental Crowns

A crown is a cap that completely covers the tooth and is designed to give back its sparkle. It is another popular method of dental design because it provides a natural and beautiful look to a tooth. It appears as a natural tooth with no discoloration, and the tooth can be as strong as it was before the damage.  

The crown may be used to repair a broken, chipped, or cracked tooth, or if you’re looking for a way to restore a damaged tooth that is too weak to receive a veneer, a crown may be a solution. A crown will also strengthen the tooth and make it less likely to break, chip, or crack again.  

We can create crowns using a variety of porcelain, gold, or composite materials. The crown will blend in with your other teeth and make them look completely natural. In many situations, we can place the crown on your back teeth to protect the tops from decay.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a common procedure for people looking to improve the overall appearance of their smile. Teeth whitening is usually achieved using various whitening products, including bleaching strips, whitening gel, and custom-made trays. Depending on the teeth and skin tone, you can whiten your teeth by numerous shades.

While you may notice a difference in your smile within the first couple of weeks, the results will last several years. We will apply the whitening products directly to your teeth at the office, and then we will use special instruments to gently lift your gums to make sure that the whitening gel reaches every surface of your teeth. The amount of time it takes for the whitening gel to work will vary from person to person.  

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are a great option if you want to straighten your teeth without braces. The aligners are made of flexible plastic designed to be worn for some time. Each aligner is specially made to fit on top of a specific tooth, and they are designed to gradually move teeth into the correct position. The aligners are made to be worn one at a time and can be removed when eating, brushing, flossing, or during special events.  

Clear aligners don’t require complicated surgery or complex adjustments by your dentist. There are three different types of aligners, and the different types are designed for correcting different types of dental problems. Clear aligners are used to straighten teeth, and the process is simple and painless.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are a great way to address tooth loss and restore your smile’s natural look. Instead of missing an entire tooth, you can instead have an artificial tooth placed that looks like the original tooth. As people age, the surrounding teeth can weaken and begin to decay, creating a painful problem for the person.  

We can create a replacement tooth supported by a crown using a dental bridge. It will look completely natural and will restore your smile. We will use the crown of the existing tooth to attach the bridge to, and we will place the artificial tooth with special instruments. A dental bridge is a long-lasting treatment that can last from two to 10 years.

Dental Implants

If you’re missing one or more teeth, a dental implant may be a great option for you. Dental implants are artificial root structures placed into your jawbone to replace the missing tooth’s root. The implant is designed to look and feel like the real tooth, and you’ll have the feeling that you’re not missing anything when you smile.  

Dental implants provide a strong foundation for your new artificial tooth, and they can last for decades. They are a great choice if you’re trying to improve your smile or if you want to repair a damaged tooth. Dental implants can be used as a replacement tooth, or you can use them to help support a removable prosthesis.

Want to Have a Dazzling Smile Through Reno Dental Designs?  

We all want a smile we’re proud to wear. At Smile Design Implant Center, we take pride in our ability to show you exactly how to achieve that goal. Our state-of-the-art digital office allows us to create a smile that you’ll be proud to show off. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!