5 Types of Custom Dental Prosthetics to Restore Your Smile

December 25, 2022

An incomplete set of teeth can easily shatter anybody’s self-esteem. While hiding your smile can do the trick, this carries a few repercussions – all of which may be detrimental to your overall health. However, you don’t need to fret, as custom dental prosthetics in Reno can solve damaged or missing teeth.  

Replacing missing teeth transcends cosmetic purposes and goals. When you leave missing teeth untreated, this can result in more damaging dental issues like a misaligned smile due to the shifting of the surrounding teeth. Misaligned teeth can affect your bite and your ability to chew.  

Furthermore, it can lead to gum diseases, since the gums are left exposed to billions of harmful bacteria that invade the mouth.  

Additionally, the bone health of your jaw may also suffer because missing teeth can affect its formation. Clearly, far too many issues can arise when you take things for granted. Luckily, you can have your beautiful smile again through the use of custom dental prosthetics.

‍What Procedures Can I Get to Bring Back My Beautiful Smile?

Thanks to recent developments in modern dentistry, more procedures are now available to replace damaged or missing teeth. While all these treatments may not be for everyone, it’s comforting to know that you have more options to choose from. For sure, there will be at least one procedure that’s right for you.

  • Dental Crowns

A dental crown, typically made of metal or porcelain, is a good solution to cracked, chipped, or worn-down teeth. It’s a cap-like structure placed over the tooth to restore its appearance, strength, and function. Getting a dental crown entails at least two visits to a dental clinic since your dentist will perform the following process:

  • Get an impression of the damaged tooth.
  • Check the tooth’s pulp for infection and fill any cavities if needed. A root canal treatment may be performed first to treat the insides of a tooth.  
  • Trim the tooth to make space for the dental crown.
  • Place a temporary tooth while the permanent one is customized in the lab.  
  • After a few weeks, cement the permanent crown into place.  

Dental crowns can last within five to 15 years with proper care. Caring for a crown is rather simple since you just have to brush and floss it just like a natural tooth.  

However, you must avoid eating hard foods. If your crown is placed on the left side of the mouth, consider biting and chewing on the opposite side. Neglect may cause a crown to chip over time and further cause bacteria to attack.

  • Dental Implants

Dental implants are a famous option for teeth replacement since they can last a lifetime if given proper care. Dental implants feel and act like natural teeth since they are placed into the jawbone. Thus, dental implants offer strength, comfort, and stability to your false teeth.  

The procedure for dental implants typically includes the following steps:

  • The dentist will insert a screw-like device into the jawbone.
  • If needed, the dentist will place an abutment to hold the crown.  
  • A crown is placed over the tooth to resemble a natural tooth.  
  • Although dental implants carry a higher price tag, studies say they’re the most durable restorative option to missing teeth.
  • Dental Bridge

As the name suggests, a dental bridge is meant to bridge the gap left by missing teeth. Often made of porcelain, a bridge is attached to both ends of the teeth to hold the false teeth (or pontics) in place. In some cases, the bridge is attached to a dental implant for enhanced stability and strength.  

Dental bridges can last for around 15 years, depending on their quality and the care you receive. After all, caring for dental bridges only requires the same daily routine, such as brushing and flossing.

  • Dentures

Dentures are removable replacements for missing teeth. Depending on your preference and need, you may complete or partial dentures. When you want to replace all of your teeth, you may get complete dentures. However, if some of your natural teeth are still healthy, you may opt for partials.  

Complete dentures may be traditional or immediate. Traditional dentures may be attached to the mouth about eight to 12 weeks after tooth removal. That is, you will have a missing tooth while waiting for the wound to heal.  

On the other hand, immediate dentures are made even before the extraction of the tooth. However, bones and gums eventually shrink during the healing process, which means that you may have to visit the dentist a few more times for readjustments.  

Partial dentures are a great solution when healthy teeth in the upper and the lower jaws still remain. A dental bridge is attached to the crowns on both sides of the teeth, surrounding the missing ones. Partial dentures are necessary to prevent the teeth from shifting positions to close the gap where the missing teeth used to be.  

The process for installing dentures typically includes the following steps taken by your dentist:

  • Make an impression of your jaws and measure how much space is between them.
  • Create models of your teeth based on the series of measurements and impressions taken from your jaw. You’d also work on the shape, size, and color before the dentures are made.  
  • Your dentist will create your final denture.  
  • You will visit the dentist as many times as needed for adjustments.
  • Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are thin porcelain shells placed in front of the teeth to improve their appearance. They solve dental issues like discoloration, interdental gaps, cracked teeth, and misshapen teeth. Veneers are made to look like natural teeth and complement your skin complexion.  

The process for acquiring veneers involves the following steps taken by your dentist:

  • Grind a thin layer of enamel off your teeth to make room for the veneers.  
  • Make a mold of your teeth. Through this, laboratory technicians can form the veneers using porcelain or resin composite material.  
  • Cement the veneers into place. Your dentist will use ultraviolet light so that the veneers will harden fast.  
  • Veneers can last up to 10 to 15 years.  
  • Need Custom Dental Prosthetics in Reno?

We understand how embarrassing it can be when you don’t have a complete set of teeth. However, you don’t have to hide in the shadows any longer. Dental prosthetics are within anyone’s reach if you just ask the correct dentist for help.  

At Smile Design Implant Center, our dentists are trained to install dental prosthetics to help you restore your dazzling smile. Call us today to see which one of these procedures is right for you.